I wanted to update everyone on the things I'm currently working on. I just finished a 7 page story for Full Mag: Veteran Stories Illustrated Issue Number 2 which should be released in Early 2019, I also did some work on Issue 1 so if you're interested you can check out Issue 1 at ,http://fullmagazinepublishing.com/index.html, It is an outstanding series devoted to our Vets. These books have been made with stories from the vets themselves and brought to life by many talented artists, as well as outstanding editing.
I've joined up with Mark Davis and Lloyd Smith at Surprising Comics to do a two part story of the Unbeatable Brick, published by Lucky Comics you can find the books at this link , https://www.drivethrucomics.com,
I will be working on a project call Night Spider with Lloyd Smith at Blue Moon Comics and you can look for that in mid 2019.
I am working on getting the store up and running but until then if anyone wants to make a purchase feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thanks for your interest in my work. God Bless All, JW Erwin